Thursday, January 19, 2006

When Time Stood Still

It feels like one of those nights where time must be standing still. Deep down within the logical recesses of my brain, I know that that can't actually the case, but it sure feels that way tonight. Now, what I really ought to be doing is working on my law school applications, but what the heck--that can wait a little longer. Especially if it turns out that time really is standing still.

I'm reading through the entire Bible this year for the first time since high school. I'm particularly excited about the reading plan I'm using--it will, for the most part, take me through the Bible chronologically. I'm currently in Genesis and Matthew.

I read through Genesis 12 today, where God promises Abraham that He will bless him and make his descendants as numerous as the stars. I wonder what Abraham thought about that. I mean, did he ever stop to ask, "Why? Why would God do this?" Did he realize how much bigger than himself and his family this thing would turn out to be? Was he able, in faith, to see a descendant for every star he saw in the sky?

One of my favorite Rich Mullins' lines is, "Sometimes I think of Abraham--how one star he saw had been lit for me." Now, if anything will make time stand still for you, thinking about that line will.